Autore: Inspire

Fraternité as creation and sharing of relational goods

di Pierpaolo Donati

Abstract: Fraternity, understood as an interpersonal relationship between two or more subjects, is expressed and made concrete in a specific type of goods: relational goods. Relational goods are born on a micro level in the lifeworlds (primary relational goods), but then they can originate forms of civil associations and organizations at a meso level (secondary relational goods), thus contributing to giving a specific configuration to an entire community or society. This contribution aims to explain this important way of considering and making operational the meaning of fraternity. To understand the role of relational goods in creating a fraternal society, we must start from the observation that modern society, typically Western, was built on the basis of the principles of (individual) freedom and equality (between individuals), putting aside the principle of fraternité. But a society like this has limits that lead it to self-defeat. Freedom and equality require the «third», i.e. fraternity, otherwise they fall into lib/lab systems which generate inequalities and threaten fundamental human rights.

Keywords: Fraternity – relational goods – relational sociology – good life – social morality

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Capisaldi della Costituzione Repubblicana: La Pira, Togliatti e Croce intervengono all’Assemblea Costituente (11 marzo 1947)

di Paolo Savarese

Abstract: the interventions on the Project for a Constitution by Giorgio La Pira, Palmiro Togliatti and Benedetto Croce at the Constituent Assembly represent a central step in understanding the genesis of the Italian Constitution and the principles that inspired it. La Pira’s speech starts from Dante’s definition of law centred on the principle of proportio, in order to guarantee the balance between theoretical, social and legal basis. Togliatti emphasised the need for a change of ruling class, to recognise the political and social role of the working classes and their demands for renewal. Croce, on the other hand, claimed the role, well beyond the «parentesi fascista», of liberalism in the construction of Italian unity and deplored the, he feared, compromising logic between the major political forces.

Keywords: Principles of the Constitution – popular sovereignty – representation – balance of constitutional order – political leadership

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