Autore: Inspire

Letteratura, antropologia, filosofia del diritto e della politica. Breve itinerario fra i contenuti di un saggio dimenticato di Claude Lévi-Strauss

di Ishvarananda Cucco

Abstract: this article aims to draw an analytical scheme with which to read, and access to its different levels of content, the Lévi-Straussian essay of 1943, translated into Italian, «Guerra e commercio fra gli Indiani dell’America del Sud». The proposed attempt consists in separate into three different levels, each with a different and increasing theoretical complexity, the study with which Claude Lévi-Strauss examines the specular and opposite relationship between War and Trade in the life of the Indigenous of Brazil. The work conducted here consists in disambiguating the stylistic-literary plan, the properly anthropological plan and the philosophical plan of the Lévi-Straussian essay in a path that seeks to highlight the centrality of the phenomenon of Exchange as empirically observable fact that attests to the ontological relationality of the human subject.

Keywords: Lévi-Strauss – structuralism – international relations – war – trade – law – liberalism

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In memoriam di Vittorio Mathieu /1 – La comunità politica tra natura ed artificio

di Claudio Sartea

Abstract: the article starts from an etymological exploration of the couples of words nation/natality and common/community, and then proceeds to a critical reflection on the modern conception of the State and on the necessary overcoming of the dominant Hobbesian paradigm to face the challenges of multicultural societies, of solidarity especially in times of emergency global health care, and of the foundation of the rule of law and human rights.

Keywords: Community – Nation – State – Solidarity – Human nature

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Via delle Rosine, 15 - 10123 Torino

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Via delle Rosine, 11 - 10123 TORINO



ISSN 2421-4302

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