Autore: Inspire

Dal tramonto della «politica» all’emergere della «grande politica»

di Gianpiero Magnani

Abstract: the concepts of technique and politics, at the center of Severino’s analysis, in reality they each have a double meaning: there is the technique and the Technique, and above all there is politics and Politics. The latter, in particular, is Great Politics, and we will focus our attention on it, to outline a theory of politics as extraordinary administration, opposed to the common idea of good politics as the ordinary administration of public affairs. Great Politics is the ability to change the rules of the collective behavior of a human community, that is the ability to change game’s rules, formal and informal, norms and values. And Technique becomes Politics when scientists become subjects of political action.
Keywords: Great Politics – game’s rules – political action – extraordinary administration – state of exception

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Lo sport come fatto sociale: il triangolo sms in relazione ai cambiamenti dell’organizzazione sportiva, della comunicazione sportiva e dell’integrazione socio-sportiva 

di Ivo Stefano Germano, Francesco de Lisio e Giuseppe Monteduro

Abstract: the paper proposes, inspired by the scientific work with which Stefano Martelli has directed his interest in sport as a «social fact», to consider the media coverage of sporting events and changes in the relationship between media and sport. Starting from the SMS triangle, three analytical perspectives branch out, concerning the sphere of sports communication, the relationship between sport, environment and organizations, and sports rights. Sport as a total social fact is crossed by the mediatization of sporting events due to the structural change in their mode of use where television gives way to the uninterrupted flow of streaming. Subsequently, the focus is placed on the dynamics relating to sports organizations, on the processes that are generated within them and on the effects that also affect the external environment and governance. The third approach reaffirms the importance of sport as a social right and a factor of a social inclusion with a focus on the role played by the Third Sector as a driver of integration.
Keywords: communication and sports information in social media – social and prosocial integration – leadership – social aspects of sports culture – global and transnational sports

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Via delle Rosine, 15 - 10123 Torino

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Via delle Rosine, 11 - 10123 TORINO



ISSN 2421-4302

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