Autore: Inspire

Nichilismo giuridico? Una sfida al diritto

Nichilismo giuridico? Una sfida al diritto*


di Vittorio Possenti**

The paper reflects on the phenomenon of legal nihilism and its consequences on the law. According the author, legal nihilism is considered an important expression of European nihilism which undermines the specific nature of law, turning it towards «the will of the strongest» and breaking down its links with reason and justice. Opposing this perspective, this article tries to support the idea that the concepts of human nature, person and reason are the true sources of law.

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Sergio Cotta, un Cristiano Cattolico Pensante. Ricordi e pensieri di un anziano ex allievo

Sergio Cotta: un Cristiano Cattolico Pensante.

Ricordi e pensieri di un anziano ex allievo

Pierfranco Ventura

Augustine, Kierkegaard, and Rosmini are three great Christian thinkers and they spangle the firmament (together with Husserl and Blondel), which led Sergio Cotta during his long intellectual itinerary. Cotta was a Christian-Catholic author capable of thinking philosophically the Truth with great sense of openness to modernity: the religious Truth of the «living God» (trinitarian and lógos-incarnate God); the metaphysical Truth of the Being and the Spirit (of/by Gift); the existential and co-existential Truth of Love (individual-relational one) and of History (personal, collective and eternal one).

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Via delle Rosine, 15 - 10123 Torino

Sede di studio

Via delle Rosine, 11 - 10123 TORINO



ISSN 2421-4302

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