Capisaldi della Costituzione Repubblicana: La Pira, Togliatti e Croce intervengono all’Assemblea Costituente (11 marzo 1947)
di Paolo Savarese
Abstract: the interventions on the Project for a Constitution by Giorgio La Pira, Palmiro Togliatti and Benedetto Croce at the Constituent Assembly represent a central step in understanding the genesis of the Italian Constitution and the principles that inspired it. La Pira’s speech starts from Dante’s definition of law centred on the principle of proportio, in order to guarantee the balance between theoretical, social and legal basis. Togliatti emphasised the need for a change of ruling class, to recognise the political and social role of the working classes and their demands for renewal. Croce, on the other hand, claimed the role, well beyond the «parentesi fascista», of liberalism in the construction of Italian unity and deplored the, he feared, compromising logic between the major political forces.
Keywords: Principles of the Constitution – popular sovereignty – representation – balance of constitutional order – political leadership