«Come l’ombra di Banco a Macbeth». La riapparizione del diritto naturale in alcuni critici contemporanei del giusnaturalismo
di Costanza Ciscato
Abstract: the aim of this article is to reconstruct, among the many forms that natural law has taken in the course of history, those that emerge in the conceptions of H. Kelsen, R. Pound and H. Hart, authors who, while professing to be opponents of the doctrine of natural law, show themselves to be permeated by concepts and prerogatives that can be traced back to it. The positions expressed by these well-known exponents of 20th-century legal-political thought show, explicitly or implicitly, if not the impossibility, at least the criticality or limitation of an exclusively positive foundation of law.
Keywords: Natural Law – Twentieth Century – H. Kelsen – R. Pound – H. Hart