Dalla guerra alla pace: la tranquillitas ordinis come ordine dinamico
di Flavio Felice
Abstract: starting with Sergio Cotta’s reflections, the article dwells on some aspects of the relationship between philosophy of peace and philosophy of war, taking as its central theme the concept of tranquillitas ordinis. The author introduces the two currents identified by Cotta as the matrices of a possible «great philosophy of war»: MachiavelliHobbes-Spinosa and Humboldt-Hegel-Gentile, both expressions of modern anthropology, and the Augustine-Erasmus-Leibniz line that would underlie a «great philosophy of peace». Finally, the author presents the peculiar position of St. Augustine, introducing the notion of tranquillitas ordinis, as a dynamic concept and indispensable device in order to be able to give rise to an institutional system in which it is possible to live in peace in positive terms and not as a mere absence of war.
Keywords: Peace – War – Polemos – Tranquillitas ordinis