In memoriam di Vittorio Mathieu /2 – A new kind of nationalism. The immigrant as an anomaly in the world of Nation-States
di Antonio Mancini
Abstract: if capitalism is one of Europe’s greatest legacies to the world, another legacy is the nation-state, i.e. national realities that could be defined as nations at a given historical moment as the vast majority of their population essentially belonged to historically defined and homogeneous ethnic, cultural and linguistic groups. However, the surge in migratory flows that characterises the second modernity has added a new hallmark to nationalism: in the era of globalisation, migratory phenomena are inscribed within the framework of nation-states and are affected by the political-legal constraints of the territories that make immigrants appear as an anomaly in the world of nation-states.
Keywords: nationalism – nation building – territories – migratory phenomena – established/outsiders