Metafisica dei diritti umani
di Claudio Sartea
Abstract: the article starts from the recent publication of a collection of essays entitled «Metaphysics of Human Rights», which appeared to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in 1948. The occasion is inviting to resume the discourse on foundation of human rights, in line with Maritain’s arguments widely used in the book, but also with some original developments: in particular, through a philosophical anthropology that focuses on the relationship as a constitutive dynamic of the human being, beyond both liberal and libertarians abstractions of modern and postmodern individualism, and in the recovery of concepts in which the dialectic between self and other, between rights and duties, between individual and community, refers to a rediscovery of the idea of the human person.
Keywords: Human Rights – Metaphysics – Human Dignity – Relationship – Community.