Essere-in-co-mune. Coordinate per il giuridico nell’ontologia politica di Jean-Luc Nancy

di Ishvarananda Cucco

Abstract: this paper focuses on the main concept in Jean-Luc Nancy’s philosophy: being-in-common. Starting from the evidence that Nancy’s ontology, mainly focused on political, has left the juridical side of the in-common, the purpose is to draw the lines of the deep – and juridically significant – structures of the coexistence relationship that rule every kind of human community. The method adopted consists in deepening and developing, privileging a semantic-theoretical analysis, the conceptual resources inside the notion of being-in-common, using for this aim also philosophical approaches that have been able to transpose and elaborate theoretically the empirical evidence on community detected by the «anthropology of gift».

Keywords: Jean-Luc Nancy – ontology – community – gift – anthropology – philosophy of law


«Populismo autoritario» e stato di diritto

di Marco Stefano Birtolo

Abstract: this article investigates the complex relationship between populism, democracy and «rule of law», with regard to the phenomenon of «authoritarian populism». Populist movements play a significant political role in many democratic contexts, posing several challenges for democratic political systems and «rule of law». The objective of this article is to explore the factors which contribute to the growth of «authoritarian populism» within democracies and to describe the implications for democratic institutions and the «rule of law».

Keywords: populism – rule of law – democracy – separations of powers


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