Frontiere e confini «porosi» nel tempo e nello spazio: centro, periferia e autonomie regionali alla luce del pensiero di Giorgio Lombardi

di Michele Rosboch

Abstract: the essay examines the theme of borders and frontiers in the light of Giorgio Lombardi’s work and from historical perspective; in particular, it addresses the issues of center-periphery relations and autonomies. The events of regional and territorial autonomy are today of particular practical and theoretical importance.

Keywords: Frontiers – Autonomies – Giorgio Lombardi

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New laws, old problems. The conflict of jurisdiction in the criminal matters between the Senate of Turin and the Chamber of Auditors in the first half of the 18th Century

di Matteo Traverso

Abstract: the long way to the creation of a more centralised judicial system in the Savoy States started at the end of the 16th century and was characterised by the regulatory interventions aimed at organising the role of the judicial institutions. However, in the background, many were the conflicts which occurred among the main courts of the kingdom and opened institutional crisis and which were only solved by the intervention of the King. The solutions proposed in each case represented a step further in the creation of a more centralised jurisdiction and represented a precedent for future legislation. The article analyses two conflicts of jurisdiction over criminal matters between the Senate and the Chamber of Auditors of Turin in the first half of the 18th century. This first analysis paves the way for a following and more encompassing study aimed at investigating the role of conflicts of jurisdictions in the history of the Savoy states.

Keywords: Victor Amadeus II – Senate of Turin – Kingdom of Sardinia

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Via delle Rosine, 15 - 10123 Torino

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Via delle Rosine, 11 - 10123 TORINO



ISSN 2421-4302

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