Pensare l’impensabile: pensare la pace. La comunità internazionale e il governo della pace
di Flavio Felice
Abstract: the article takes up the theme of peace not as the mere absence of war, but as the set of conditions that make it impracticable; an anachronistic institution that has been expunged from human history. For this reason, the task of the social scientist, during a phase of war, is to think the unthinkable: how to organize institutions, so that the indispensable relations on which the governance of peace rests can be established? Referring to thinkers such as Luigi Einaudi, Wilhelm Röpke and Luigi Sturzo, the author argues that it is possible to implement a government of peace to the extent that the government of conflicts is channeled along the tracks of liberal and democratic institutions. At the base we have the recognition that these institutions are not exportable, depending on the human quality of those who populate them: the homo democraticus, whose skills can be transferred only by cultural contagion and not by weapons. The governance of peace requires a cultural conversion that passes through the repudiation of the «double morality» and the relative «dispensation» that would allow the «prince» of the moment to carry out the worst evils in the name of «reason of State». The governance of peace is a cultural operation that nourishes liberal and democratic institutions, in the conviction that si vis pacem, para institutiones.
Keywords: Governance of peace – International Community – Reason of State – European common defense