Pseudomorfosi politiche: O. Spengler e G. P. Fedotov
di Vladimir A. Ščučenko
The article compares the views of O. Spengler and G.P. Fedotova on the concept of pseudomorphosis. Particular attention is paid to the socio-political implications of the concept of pseudomorphosis in G.P. Fedotov in the post-Soviet foreign period of his work. It is shown that in contrast to O. Spengler G.P. Fedotov subtly analyzes the dialectics of political shaping in a changing political system. The relevance of the theoretical conclusions of G.P. Fedotov in a situation of modern political transformation in Russia. The hot debates around the concept of pseudomorphosis in the context of the political transformation of Russia in recent decades are analyzed.
Keywords: pseudomorphosis – political pseudomorphosis – revolution – Russian philosophy – post-Soviet Russia.