Spunti critici sulla obbligatorietà del lavoro penitenziario
di Augusto Romano
The recent reform of Penitentiary System expunged the obligation of prison work, thus revealing critical issues, since it does not seem to fully fit into the political social model that was outlined by the Constitutional Treaty, that bases the constitutional building on work, recognising the anthropological, ethical and economical centrality of it and regarding work, as a right and a duty at a time, the vessel of inclusion and participation, the precondition for citizenship. To develop constitutionally oriented legislative provisions it is then necessary to regain the centrality of work as main connecting element between individual and community, thus regarding the obligation of rehabilitative function of punishment in view of the principle of work and solidarity. The inmates must be granted a genuine right to vocational training and working activity, since work constitutes the main element of re-educational treatment and is an effective tool of social re-integration. Carrying out working activities is then required, since the rehabilitative function of punishment is required.
Keywords: Obligation of prison work – Rehabilitative function of punishment – Principle of work – Work as right and duty – Penitentiary treatment and social reintegration.