Sergio Cotta, un Cristiano Cattolico Pensante. Ricordi e pensieri di un anziano ex allievo
Sergio Cotta: un Cristiano Cattolico Pensante.
Ricordi e pensieri di un anziano ex allievo
Pierfranco Ventura
Augustine, Kierkegaard, and Rosmini are three great Christian thinkers and they spangle the firmament (together with Husserl and Blondel), which led Sergio Cotta during his long intellectual itinerary. Cotta was a Christian-Catholic author capable of thinking philosophically the Truth with great sense of openness to modernity: the religious Truth of the «living God» (trinitarian and lógos-incarnate God); the metaphysical Truth of the Being and the Spirit (of/by Gift); the existential and co-existential Truth of Love (individual-relational one) and of History (personal, collective and eternal one).