Tecnoscienza e democrazia: per una lettura comparata del pensiero di Emanuele Severino
di Sante De Santis
Abstract: the work aims to relate Severino’s interpretative model of techno-science essence, consisting in the will of the apparatus to expand itself to infinity, whose roots are to be traced back to ancient Greek thought, to those who considers that the essence of techno-science is to be found in the calculating thought that emerged strongly during the modern scientific revolution. We will highlight, as well as emphasizing the points of contact, the repercussions of these two models on the lifeworld and on politics, and in particular on democracy. The latter, however one wants to interpret the essence of techno-science, seems destined to a radical crisis that not even the information revolution, considered salvific by some, may solve.
Keywords: Technoscience – Calculating Thought – Democracy – Lifeworld – Informatics